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UTM Summer School 2013


 Code Course Name Synopsis
SS01 Managing Water Environment in Tropical Countries This course is designed to expose participants to the various aspects of water quality management for river catchments, reservoirs and lakes. It will emphasize on some key issues in monitoring and assessment of water quality and the impact of water pollution to the environment. The participants will find a wide range of material covered and its quantitative nature through project works will be of benefit to them.
SS02 Cultural Landscape in Malaysia The course offers a unique experience to various cultural landscape ecotypes of Peninsular Malaysia. Participants will have a study trip to a few states in Peninsular Malaysia. They will analyze the cultural landscape of rural and urban characters: from farmlands and villages at the peripheral of towns and cities to the newly planned and developed cities. The participants will also study the influence of culture on the Malaysian landscape.
SS03 Malaysian Traditional Architecture The program offers an experience on one of the richest components of Malaysian cultural heritage, which is the traditional architecture. Study trips will cover a few states in Peninsular Malaysia and participants will be exposed to the history, culture and architecture of traditional Malay houses, Chinese shop houses, mosques, temples etc. Participants will learn more about traditional architecture through first hand experiences in the socio cultural activities throughout the journey.
SS04 Revitalization of the Rural Economy through Ecotourism in Malaysia Ecotourism or specifically Community Based Ecotourism (CBET) is being increasingly championed as a powerful catalyst for rural revitalisation and empowerment. Governments in developing countries have fully embraced CBET as a development tool despite the criticisms against it by scholars who argue that the lack of local capacity, the dependency syndrome and themodest earnings relative to the investment costs restricts the effectiveness of CBET. The truth of the matter is that CBET, as in other forms of tourism, requires good planning and management as well as monitoring. This programme is designed to showcase the success stories in planning and developing CBET as a tool for rural revitalisation. Through lecture inputs complemented by technical visits, participants will be exposed to the critical success factors of CBET in achieving synergy between biodiversity conservation and socio-economic sustainability in rural Sabah. 
SS05 Malaysia Heritage Walks & Town Trails Heritage Walks and Town Trails are especially designed to train participants the “state of awareness” about the essential sensory experience and appreciating “places”. The field study program includes on site lectures and walking trails in heritage areas and towns in Malaysia and about appreciating the multi-contextual environment of Malaysian towns.
SS06 Ship Model Testing and Fiberglass Boat Construction The course offers the theoretical and practical aspects of ship model, testing analysis and fiberglass boat construction. The participants will have the opportunity to conduct model testing, analyze the results and build a fiberglass boat from scratch. The objective of the course is to enable participants to undergo practical ship model experiments and actual boat-making process.
SS07 Bio-prospecting in Nature Bio-prospecting, also known as biodiversity prospecting is the exploration of biological material for commercially valuable genetic and biochemical properties. Potentially commercial compounds derived from plants, animals and microorganisms are more easily identified and have great commercial value when collected with native or found in the territories traditionally inhabited by the indigenous people.Participants will be exposed to the bio-prospecting process of which nature is harnessed for biotechnological applications. They will learn the theoretical and practical aspects of prospecting in nature, experience outdoor and laboratory activities, participate in the empowerment of indigenous native community to support the biodiversity conservation and sustainable livelihoods.
SS08 Construction Management and Practice for Professionals The course covers topics related to sustainable construction, Industrialized Building System, forensic engineering, and project planning using the planning software. There will be a detailed explanation on the precast and steel framed construction systems. The course also introduces some aspects of forensic engineering especially those related to structural health assessment. The Non-Destructive Techniques (NDT) will be covered theoretically and experimentally. The contemporary management includes the application of planning software in project management and elements of sustainable construction. The sustainability concepts are introduced with the emphasis on understanding the approach for achieving sustainable construction.
SS09/ SS14
Sustainable Technologies for Agro-Waste Management An intensive 2-weeks course covering insight into sustainable technologies for processing agro-wastes into value-added products such as biogas, biochemicals, bio-fertilizer and electricity.  The course consists of 24 hrs of lecture sessions and guided filed trips to biogas (palm oil mill), composting and waste treatment plants.
SS10 Sustainable Consumption and Production The 3 weeks course consists of lectures and exercises in class during the frist week. Excursions to industries and case study in teams of 4-6 persons per group wll be carried out during week 2 and week 3 of the program.  The course takes its point of departure in the industrial and production related challenges to an environmentally sustainable development. Adopting a life cycle perspective, the course introduces and provides hands-on training on basic methods to improve eco-efficiency throughout the product chain from extraction of raw materials, manufacturing, consumption and disposal or recycling. Eco-design, product policies, eco-labelling and sustainable consumption practises are some of the topics given special attention in the lecture program. Through case work in companies and institutions, knowledge on these methods is deepened and practised.

* Please click at course name for course details.

** UTM can customizing above program according to your institution’s date/plan with minimum number of student for any course is 15 students

Application Requirement & Eligibility

  1. Registered as an active student at home university
  2. Have good health condition
  3. Be physically present at home university at the time of application
  4. Must agree to enroll at UTM as described in the program plan
  5. Must agree to abide by the rules and regulations of UTM or placement provider.
  6. Should demonstrate empathy and understanding of cultural difference
  7. Should demonstrate excellent personal skills.
  8. Agrees to be responsible for the costs incurred.

 Application Process

  1. Fill up the UTM Application Form
  2. Submit the form along with the supporting documents to UTM International Office before the deadline
  3. Please make sure that you have completed the entire fields on the application form otherwise we could not process it.
  4. UTM International will do application review and clarification.
  5. Offer letter will be issuing out after faculty approval.

Health Insurance

  1. UTM will not purchase any health insurance for inbound students.
  2. Students are required to purchase health/medical insurance which can cover medical expenses in Malaysia hospital.