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About World Technology Universities Network

The World Technology Universities Network is a network of global technology universities committed to undertaking cutting-edge, challenge-led research with direct benefits to people and society, and providing education for the next generation of global citizens who will have to respond to the world’s 21st century challenges. Founded in University of Bradford.

Technology universities are at the heart of the 21st century information revolution, with countries worldwide competing aggressively to build knowledge economies. Economic strength depends on high tech manufacturing and international trade, with a knowledge economy based on high-quality research, and a steady flow of highly-trained graduates. This has created demand for both the research and the graduates from well-established technology universities like those in the World Technology Universities Network.

The Network launched at the second World Technology Universities Congress on 31 August 2017.

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The World Technology Universities Congresses (WTUC) aim to create a global partnership between education, business, governments and development organisations. Each congress creates opportunities for technology universities and businesses to showcase how they jointly work towards addressing the challenges society faces.

The 9th World Technology Universities Congress (WTUC2024) will be hosted by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) on 10-12 September 2024. The Conference will take place in the Johor Bahru, Malaysia.